Nutritional Factors and Coronary Heart
Alberto Ascherio, MD, Dr.PH.
Associate Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology,
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
Once dominated by the classic diet-heart hypothesis, the
debate on diet and coronary disease has recently expanded to include several
new hypotheses. Pivotal to this change have been the results of ongoing
large prospective epidemiological investigations and the interaction of
epidemiologists with laboratory scientists. Epidemiological investigations
with repeated and validated dietary measurements are now about to reach
their maturity. The Nurses Health Study -- an investigation of female nurses
in the United States -- is approximating 20 years of follow-up since the
first dietary assessment; dietary information has been update every four
years so that it is now possible to conduct dynamic analysis that take
into account changes in diet over time. A similar cohort of men is only
six years behind. The availability of blood samples in both cohorts will
also allow a better understanding of the role of several biomarkers, and
the investigation of genes and gene-environment interactions. The results
of these investigations have provided strong and direct evidence that high
intakes of vitamin E, fiber, and folic acid reduce the risk of coronary
disease. Other hypotheses, however, such as the widely accepted idea that
high total fat intake increases the risk of coronary disease, have not
been corroborated. Rather, individual fatty acids seem to have different
associations with risk of CHD, that are only in part explained by their
known metabolic effects. For example, there is growing evidence that intake
of trans-unsaturated fatty acids increase the risk of coronary disease
more strongly than predicted by its adverse on the ratio of LDL cholesterol
to HDL cholesterol. On the other hand, the results of most epidemiological
investigations are consistent with beneficial effects of small amounts
of alpha-linolenic acid, although the mechanisms of this potential effect
remain unknown. In the future, an interaction between epidemiological and
laboratory research will be increasingly important. Since long term randomized
trials in humans are often unfeasible, sound conclusions on the health
effects of nutritional factors will have to rest on strong epidemiological
evidence and a coherent body of laboratory results.