From: Bonnie MacEvoy <>

Subject: Re: Nutrition fraud ?


>problems with

>some of your statements and with the ADA's approach to nutrition.


I keep wanting to just lurk on this list, but find myself having to defend

doctors all the time. Shame on the AMA for its poor marketing, if any, or

the doctors who do care and do practice good medicine who quietly keep it to



>what about the medical industry money trail? many aspects of >modern medicine

>are not vigorously tested with double blind studies.


But many are and most people in medicine try very hard to adhere to the

strictest standards. Often exclusion of interesting new or very old (ie

herbal) approaches to treatments results from the big bureaucracy that

shrouds our business and most of our society. We are a people who want to

be protected, want professionals to be accountable to the nth degree, and

want it for free. It can't happen.


>modern medicine didn't know how aspirin worked, yet its been

>prescribed for decades.


No surprise. We don't really know how much of what we use really "works" or

why in some people and not in others. However, we try to use studies with

groups or populations of people that give us the best indication of how one

individual patient might do. We have to add to that experience, other

patient factors, some luck and a pinch of fairy dust.


>dr's also promote the idea of a quick fix.


Sorry. Cart and horse here. I am a pain specialist and I can't tell you

the number of people who look at me like I am from Mars when I present to

them a program that may take months to conclude. We try to help people as

fast as we can because in all specialities most of what drives patients to

come in is that something hurts. You bet we want them well quick, but we

want them well, and if it takes a long time, so be it. The body is usually

slow to malfunction, and slower to mend.


>>diagnosis is needed by a physician to determine a true deficiency.


Probably not. But to counter the following response to the above:


>how many dr's are educated about supplements and diet to even >look for a



We all learn about deficiencies and must be ready for questions on our board

exams about them. Are we experts in diagnosing them? Probably not, as most

deficiencies are rare in the U.S. As will all things, skill comes with

experience. Luckily we don't see many deficiencies; unfortunately our time

is spent with diseases of excess.


> Why trust your nutritional needs to someone whose nutritional >background

is inadequate?


I know many nutritionists whose medical background is inadequate. One person

cannot know it all. Let's all work together.


>if you've ever had to stay in a hospital or other institution that >is feed

by a ADA nutritionist and get feed artificially flavoured >and coloured

gelatin you know that something is wrong.


Sorry again. I would like to blame the fact that hospitals are being forced

to run like businesses. It is cheaper to feed someone jello and custard and

save on nutrition costs, which funds can then be funnelled over to the

better surgical equipment. Priorities have to be made. Businessmen and

lawyers are dictating the specifics of medical care, and it is scary.

Only get 5 minutes with your doctor? She probably has to see 50 patients

between 8am and 6pm to break even with paying her staff of 5 that she needs

to keep all the different insurance company requirements straight, won't get

lunch, and has to find time for the emergency calls that come in randomly.

Mad that she didn't see your skin lesions or other deficiency symptoms while

looking at your sore throat, or didn't counsel you on better nutrition when

you have cut your hand?


Please, everybody. Doctors don't and can't do it all. Who we are is a

product of our training, the limitations of science, and many, many societal

and professional pressures. Be happy to see us when you need our advice,

believe that our intention is to help as we best know how, and if you don't

think this is true, then you do not have the right doctor. Don't blame the

rest of us for that.


Bonnie MacEvoy, MD