
Subject: Milk consumption by breastfeeding moms




A local certified lactation consultant is recommending that new nursing moms

stop drinking milk. This is an "across the board" recommendation ~ in others

words, without any evidence of colic, or lactose intolerance, or family

history of particular problems. Just stop drinking milk (and BTW it is ok to

drink pop) ~ at their first out-of-hospital, new born visit to a private

children's clinic.


I would like to know what you think of this advice ~ and what recommendations

you make in your practice/program/clinic regarding milk consumption by BF

moms. I would also appreciate appropriate citations on any applicable

research in this area ~ since I plan to discuss this recommendation with the

MDs at the clinic.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Dayle Hayes, MS, RD

Speaker, Author and Nutrition Therapist

ADA Director-at-Large

3112 Farnam Street

Billings, MT 59102

406/655-9082 (voice mail)

406/656-0580 (fax)