Subject: Re: Carnitine: Feeling of nausea but no water retention



I have also suffered from nausea while taking creatine. The only way I could

ingest the creatine was to do so after eating some food. I had the nausea

if I ingested as little as 5mg per dose. I must admit that the FIRST time

I took creatine I was extremely pleased with the ten pounds of lean muscle

mass I gained. I gained this during a one month period. The question that

I would like answered is this. During the first cycle of creatine I gained

ten pounds. I waited three months and took creatine again and gained two

pounds over the next four weeks. I waited another six months and took creatine

again and gained nothing. Do you get diminishing results after the first

initial weight gain? Have other athletes also faced the same problem?

I am looking for something like creatine which will assist in lean muscle

growth without making me fatter. Any insight would be appreciated.



Indiana University