From: Kevin Kelly <>


Organization: Forever Healthy

Subject: Re: Colloidal minerals


This reply is lengthy, but I think people will find it interesting.


I am a Licensed Registered Dietitian. Nutrition fraud is something I

follow closely. All of this talk about colloidal minerals and most of

the rest of this vitamin/mineral hype is just that. The claims are

numerous and usually ridiculous. For example, one tape entitled "Dead

Doctors Don't Lie" sounds convincing, but is so bogus. This guy takes

simple facts and builds a fictitious story around them. He claims

that cystic fibrosis can be cured by taking a vitamin or mineral. (I

forget which one). Cystic fibrosis is inherited and is not caused by

a nutritional deficiency. This is just one example of how his tape

sounds convincing, but is wrong. I have easily picked apart his tape

and there isn't room to do so here.


He is appealing to what the public wants: health in a bottle. It

doesn't exist. Responsible health professionals (physicians, nurses,

dietitians, chirporactors, etc) will tell you the best thing you can

do for your health is to have good dietary habits and a regular

exercise program. Good health takes effort. But, many people want to

take the easy way out - which doesn't exist - when it comes to losing

weight, preventive health, etc. and the quacks pushing the

misinformation and bogus products know it. Just follow the money

trail. Quacks push products that are glitzy, glamourous, and offer

instant gratification. That appeals to many people.


It is easy to fool people who are looking for the quick fix. I had a

lady call me recently. Her neighbor lost weight taking a certain

product. Substitute a shake for breakfast and lunch then have a light

supper was the plan. I told the lady I have a better product that

will cause quicker weight loss. It is called tap water. She asked

how it works. The shake has about 200 calories and water has no

calories. She asked if the water in her tap will be good enough. I

said no because I have the only source of this special water in North

Dakota. I sell it for $10.00 a bottle. Then she caught on. I was

feeding her a line. Bottom line: people lose weight because they

take in fewer calories than their bodies need. It is not the prodcut

(or a food) that causes weight loss, but many people don't realize



People claim they feel better after taking a product. If there is a

true nutritional deficiency, a supplement may help. Besides, a

diagnosis is needed by a physician to determine a true deficiency. I

look at many food records and many people are deficient in calcium.

That doesn't mean they have osteoporosis. Yes, it could happen in the

future. Calcium is involved in muscle contraction. Even though these

people lack adequate amounts of calcium in the diet, their muscles

still work. Most people who feel better are almost always

experiencing a placebo effect. I know of situations where a certain

nutritional product, which has no benefit, was given to several

people. The power of suggestion is very convincing. Mind over matter

is very real.


I need to respond to an anticipated question. I do believe in

supplementation. Not everyone needs it and there are definitely

situations that call for it. A good example is a vegan or a person

lacking calcium in the diet. The problem with supplementation is the

irresponsible way it is being promoted, all in the interest of money.

These people pushing misinformation and bogus products are nothing

more than quacks. They are committing fraud by bilking people

(especially the elderly and people desperate to lose weight, etc) out

of their money. Would you go to a plumber to have your teeth worked

on? Would you let a carpener fix you car? Why trust your nutritional

needs to someone whose nutritional background is inadequate? Most

people who sell this garbage are armed with only the information in a

brochure and from a weekend rally.


For whatever it's worth, most of these products are harmless.

However, vitamins and minerals can have side effects in large doeses.

I have seen some of the side effects. In addition, taking large

doeses of one vitamin/mineral can interfere with the absorption of

other vitamin/minerals. Self-diagnosis is also not a good idea. It

is interesting that people who want good health will take chances with

supplements that they know nothing about, let alone the person who is

selling it to them.


Kevin Kelly, Licensed Registered Dietitan