From: (Theresa B Gilman)


Hi all,


My teacher (an R.D.) from my "Nutrition Concepts and Controversies" class

sent me the following. Maybe if we follow this guideline, we can all be

sure we aren't chromium deficient, thus helping our bg's. (Note: this

level is only for adults.)




Here is a list of some of the best dietary sources of chromium. The

information is from a reference of mine, Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition

Guidebook. The reference daily intake for *adults* is 120 micrograms.


50-60 micrograms:

3 prunes

1 cup cooked peas

2 tbsp Brewer's yeast

1 cup canned corn

1 oz American cheese

4 oz chicken breast

1 cucumber

30-40 micrograms:

1 tbsp peanut butter

1/2 cup cooked mushrooms

2 oz shredded wheat

1 medium baked potato

(12 oz beer contains 30-60 micrograms)

10-25 micrograms:

6 medium raw oysters

1 medium apple with skin

1 slice whole wheat bread

<10 micrograms:

1/4 cup wheat germ (6 micrograms)


Hope you find this info useful!